What is big data?

 Now a days, people and things are getting interconnected. Data is being created by devices and users.

Let's have a example

When you go for online shopping all your clicks and views, you interaction with the website, your interaction with the competitor website, your addition to the cart, removal from the cart, price comparision, review reading, etc. All recorded to analyse you as a user and a perspective buyer who could be influenced to make a purchase.

The entire agenda of conducting data analytics is based on making informed decision that can be further use to shape your behavior and drive the business intensions.

Have you heard about company cambridge Analytica?

It was a political consulting firm that harvested data about 87million US voters during Trupm's precidency campaign in 2014. It built a system that could profile individual US voters in order to target them with personalised political advertisements. The result everyone knows.

Data analytics combined with the right set of data is an extremely powerful mechanism today for business and nations. It can be use to derive meaningful predictions and shape your behaviour.

Data is just a collection of facts. data can be in the form of numbers, text, images and videos.

We see every single day millions of images and videos are uploaded on social sites. Lots of data is generated every single day.

20-30 years back the data was small and structured. data was in kiloBytes.

If you had grown up in 80-90s you know the storage device called Floppy disk and the maximum storage capacity of Floppy disk was 512KB only
